As mandala lovers ourselves, there are few things we can think of that we enjoy more than getting together for a workshop or event to dive into mandala creations, theory, and experiences. We are known for our multi-day intensives and our CREATING MANDALAS Certificate Program (CMCP), but you can also find us gathering for an afternoon workshop, book signing, or professional presentation a few times a year, too!
Our CM GUIDEBOOKS each focus on a theme through 12 mandala activities.
Our Guidebooks will not only support your new – or ongoing – mandala practice, but will also help you develop skills in relating to self and others through the mandalas you create and the suggested journaling prompts.
We imagine our Guidebooks will be especially useful for busy providers of activities in schools, churches, community centers, and other programmed settings.
--> Learn more & purchase them HERE!
Our self-guided course, CYCLES OF LIFE, guides you through creating and understanding your mandalas through an exploration of the 12 Archetypal Stages of the Great Round. In each of the 12 video modules, you will be introduced to one Stage of the Great Round through a brief description, a mandala directive, a curated music playlist, and reflective practices. After completing Cycles of Life, you'll have a collection of mandalas, skills, and creative experiences to better understand yourself and your life through mandalas.
Our self-guided course, CYCLES OF LIFE, guides you through creating and understanding your mandalas through an exploration of the 12 Archetypal Stages of the Great Round. In each of the 12 video modules, you will be introduced to one Stage of the Great Round through a brief description, a mandala directive, a curated music playlist, and reflective practices. After completing Cycles of Life, you'll have a collection of mandalas, skills, and creative experiences to better understand yourself and your life through mandalas.
2nd Fridays at 10am-12pm EST
4th Tuesdays at 7 - 9pm EST
MONTHLY MANDALAS is an expressive arts community gathering facilitated by CREATING MANDALAS Team Members to bring the Great Round of the Mandala to your life. The groups are offered on a pay-as-you-can basis, with a suggested minimum of $24 per meeting you attend. Proceeds from these monthly gatherings go to the CM Scholarship Fund (more info below) that aims to increase opportunities for persons to learn about and enjoy Creating Mandalas.
If you're not sure when you'll be able to make it, but would like to be added to our MONTHLY MANDALAS mailing list to receive upcoming information, please sign up here.
A Live, Virtual Mandala Intensive
Sat, Oct 26 - Sat, Nov 2, 2024
Entering the Circle Online (ETCO) is a curated, in-depth introduction to creating and interpreting mandalas (ancient circular designs with psychological significance). You will develop the tools you need to use mandalas for personal growth and spiritual enrichment or to integrate mandalas into your work as a helping professional.
Course content includes a balance of lectures, guided art activities, and group sharing exploring the Archetypal Stages of the Great Round and facilitated by your CREATING MANDALAS team.
This training has proven useful for art therapists, counselors, music therapists, expressive arts professionals, artists, spiritual directors, clergy, teachers, and others.
Drop in groups happening in 2024.
For more info and registration, please contact Susan via e-mail. You can also join Susan's mailing list
to get a reminder about her offerings.
The CREATING MANDALAS team offers a 3-part, 100 hour program on the Mandala as a Holistic Reflection of the Self. This program is informed by our combined years of experience as counselors, teachers, and creative arts therapists. The CREATING MANDALAS Certificate Program (CMCP) is comprised of intensive seminars, creative self-expression, case studies, an independent study project with mentorship, and guidance in applying mandala theory in helping relationships, spiritual vocations, educational and personal growth settings. Learn More...
Cancellation Policy: In-Person Offerings: Full refund up until two weeks prior to Intensive, 50% refund from one to two weeks prior, no refund if cancellation is one week or less prior to Intensive (less $50 processing fee for all refunds). In the event the CM Team must cancel a Mandala Intensive, any fees paid will be applied to tuition for the next training of the same level, unless participant requests other arrangements in writing. Online Offerings: No refunds. If CM must cancel, tuition paid will be refunded. Please consider contributing any tuition refunds to the CM Scholarship Fund.
We are proud to offer our new CREATING MANDALAS Scholarship, which aims to increase opportunities for diverse persons to learn about and enjoy Creating Mandalas. The CM Scholarship provides partial or full tuition to Creating Mandalas workshops and classes for diverse/marginalized communities. Limited scholarships are available and are reviewed in the order that applications are received for select offerings.
Below you will find some of the CREATING MANDALAS workshops & presentations we have offered in the past. If you're interested in collaborating to offer one of these with a group, school, or organization, please let us know.
Learn about Sacred Geometry and develop your drawing skills as you create mandalas using ancient mathematical principles. Based on Susanne's book Creating Mandalas with Sacred Geometry.
As winter fades into spring, and the equinox approaches, days grow longer and warmer. The natural world awakens and pushes out new growth. We, being creatures of nature, experience our own rhythm of flowing from darkness into light. Join us for a weekend rich in appreciation of nature, self-expression with mandalas, and depth of meaning. Take away rich experiences that can be adapted as personal life skills or applied in service to others.
Creative contemplation through mandala making and coloring. We begin with 'lectio divina', meditation on readings from sacred texts and poetry. Next, express your contemplation by drawing or coloring mandalas. Carefully chosen music supports and furthers the meditation. No previous experience with the mandala is necessary.
Mandalas are both ancient, circular designs with sometimes quite complex symbols, and contemporary, spontaneous art with contemplative possibilities. In this workshop, you will hear an overview of the history of the mandala in art and architecture and how it has developed as a personal reflection process. You will come to understand why Carl Jung called mandalas spontaneous symbols of wholeness. You will create two mandalas and use simple journaling activities to reflect on your art. No previous experience nor artistic skill necessary.
This family friendly program of Mandala making will connect you with one another as well as with your inner spirit. Mandala is a Sanskrit word meaning sacred circle. Mandalas appear in nature, art, architecture, and artwork of all ages and cultures. This evening will be a creative and fun exploration of the mandala through movement and drawing. Open to children 6 and older, their parents, and other members of the community.
“All parts of the training came together to create a whole.”
CMCP graduate
“I liked the presentation of a variety of ways to examine mandalas.”
CMCP graduate
“I liked the information from different perspectives: Jung, Campbell, Weir, etc.”
CMCP graduate
“An exciting and rewarding experience, extremely worthwhile and gratifying.”
CMCP graduate
“Informative, creative.”
Workshop participant
“Very fruitful!”
Workshop participant
“Thanks for a new way of experiencing what’s within me—and in life.”
Workshop participant
“Really enjoyed your workshop!”
Workshop participant
[I liked the] “community, the depth, and the experiential, multimodal approach.”
CMCP graduate
“It is a great opportunity to grow and go into the ‘deep’.”
CMCP graduate
“I am deeply appreciative of the loving way you held the group.”
CMCP graduate
“Thank you for helping me return to myself.”
CMCP graduate
“I am seeing clearly how enriched my work will be due to this experience.”
CMCP graduate
“Wonderful knowledge and learning experience.”
CMCP graduate