Holistic Reflection of the Self

The CREATING MANDALAS team offers a 100 hour program on the Mandala as a Holistic Reflection of the Self. We have developed this program of study with reference to the work of Joan Kellogg, Carl Jung, Stan Grof, and Joseph Campbell. Moreover, this program is informed by our combined years of experience as counselors, teachers, and creative arts therapists.

The CREATING MANDALAS Certificate Program (CMCP) is comprised of intensive seminars, creative self-expression, case studies, an independent study project with mentorship, and guidance in applying mandala theory in helping relationships, spiritual vocations, educational and personal growth settings. The CREATING MANDALAS
Certificate is awarded upon successful completion of Part I, Part II, and Part III of this training.

​Are you interested in deepening your understanding of the circle as a universal symbol of process, integration and wholeness? If so, you will find this program of interest! Application to and acceptance into the
Certificate Program is required before registering for Part II and Part III. Learn more - download the flyer here.


(30 hours, In-person, experiential training)​

Your Independent Study of the mandala will be structured in three units to be completed before registering for Part III: Integrating the Circle. Aim to spend about 40 hours completing your assignments for Engaging the Circle. Our graduates spend a few months to a year completing Part II. You will be matched with a mentor from the CREATING MANDALAS team based on your topic of interest. You may call upon your CM mentor for up to 6 hours of support (face to face, by telephone or email). In addition, the mentors may offer group telephone consultations.

Each stage has typical mandalas and special lessons for healing and for understanding the cyclical nature of life. Using a variety of media, you will create your own mandalas for each stage. To deepen your experience we will provide carefully selected musical background that evokes each stage as it is being explored. In addition, lectures will survey the history, anthropology, and psychological significance of mandalas, as well as the meaning of color and form in mandalas. A series of mandalas created by one person will be reviewed to illustrate the progression through time of forms and meaning in mandalas.

Join our ETCO waitlist to be the first to hear about upcoming offerings. ​

* You must complete Part I before applying to the CMCP.


(40 hours, Independent study & mentoring)​

Your Independent Study of the mandala will be structured in three units to be completed before registering for Part III: Integrating the Circle. Aim to spend about 40 hours completing your assignments for Engaging the Circle. Our graduates spend a few months to a year completing Part II. You will be matched with a mentor from the CREATING MANDALAS team based on your topic of interest. You may call upon your CM mentor for up to 6 hours of support (face to face, by telephone or email). In addition, the mentors may offer group telephone consultations.


Correspondence Course based on Susanne Fincher’s book Creating Mandalas: For Insight, Healing, and Self-Expression and additional assigned reading materials. You will receive a copy of Susanne’s book along with a self-administered exam to complete and return to your CM mentor for grading and reviewing together.


Draw and interpret a personal mandala according to guidelines outlined in Susanne Fincher’s book (this project to be reviewed with your CM mentor).


Individual or collaborative study project grounded in experience with or research about mandalas (in consultation with your mentor). This project is an opportunity for you to pursue your curiosity, check out your impressions, and go deeper into your interest in mandalas. It is recommended that you read and research relevant literature, and give careful thought to the project you choose to do. You will design and complete your mandala study project, with support and input from your mentor. Examples of projects could include:

Researching the mandala-making tradition in a culture other than your own, described in a written paper or PowerPoint.

Keeping your own mandala diary and analyzing your mandalas over time to describe your own vocabulary of forms and colors in a slide presentation or CD.

Joining with others to organize and offer a mandala making activity as, in a school, a church, or as part of a community festival, documented by a scrapbook, a published newspaper article, or a web site.

You will have an opportunity to share your project during Part III: Integrating the Circle. Please refer to the code of ethics for research as given by your profession. You may also find guidelines for research on the American Art Therapy Association website arttherapy.org.

• Researching the mandala-making tradition in a culture other than your own, described in a written paper or PowerPoint.

• Keeping your own mandala diary and analyzing your mandalas over time to describe your own vocabulary of forms and colors in a slide presentation or CD.

• Joining with others to organize and offer a mandala making activity as, in a school, a church, or as part of a community festival, documented by a scrapbook, a published newspaper article, or a web site.

You will have an opportunity to share your project during Part III: Integrating the Circle. Please refer to the code of ethics for research as given by your profession. You may also find guidelines for research on the American Art Therapy Association website arttherapy.org.


(30 hours, In-person, experiential training)​

This Advanced Mandala Intensive builds on your understanding of creating and interpreting mandalas and the Archetypal Stages of the Great Round of Mandala (as presented and explored in Parts I and II of the CMCP). This Mandala Intensive offers:

• Deepening in basic mandala theory as a reflection of health and well being.

• Integrating information on form and color (color combinations and Great Round axes and quadrants).

• Reviewing case material with reference to the Archetypal Stages of the Great Round of Mandala.

• Practicingempathetic verbal processing of mandalas.

• Observing and sharing feedback with peers about their Part III presentations.

* Registration for this advanced Mandala Intensive is limited to persons who have completed Parts I and II of the Creating Mandala Certificate Program.

register for the cm

After completing Part I: Entering the Circle, you may apply to the CREATING MANDALAS Certificate Program (CMCP). The Part I Mandala Intensive is typically offered once or twice a year.

To apply for the CMCP, please e-mail the CM team the following:

• Letter of intention stating personal goals for program.

• Resume with job and/or volunteer history.

• Recommendations from two individuals who know your character, work and/or study abilities.

• If you completed Entering the Circle Online, please submit images of your mandalas for Stages 1-12.

• $45 application fee (check orPayPalaccepted)

Please submit application after attending Part I. Applicant may not enroll in Part II and Part III until application is processed and approved.

For additional information and questions, please e-mail the CM team.

cmcp graduates

These graduates of the CREATING MANDALAS Certificate Program (CMCP) have successfully completed the requirements and specialized instruction from the Creating Mandalas team. They have received supervision in the creation of mandalas for insight, healing, and self-expression; have performed an independent study project related to mandalas; and have presented the results of their independent study project to the CREATING MANDALAS team and their peers in the CREATING MANDALAS Certificate Program. On the basis of these successfully completed requirements, they have been awarded a Certificate of Completion in Mandalas: Holistic Reflection of Self, and are qualified to present information about mandalas based on the work of Susanne F. Fincher, MA, LPC, ATR-BC.s.


Ilza Abad Barbosa Rovai

Brasil/Chile (Santiago)


YouTube @ILzaRovai

IG @ilzarovai

FB @ Ilza Abad Barbosa Rovai

Project: Sacred Geometry and the 9th Archetypal Stage

Angela Assis Nascimento

Denton, TX, USA

[email protected]


[email protected]


Project: Mandalas in the Boardroom: A Journey to Become a Transpersonal Leader

Lauren Dyer


Project: An Exploration of the Great Round through the Alchemical Vessel of the 12 Holy Days Using the Zodiac and Flower Essences as Guides

Ruth Liesert


Project: Finding Music to the Stages of the Great Round

Anna Sardina


Project: Deep Dive into Chakra Exploration

Jennifer Storey

Leverett, MA, USA

[email protected]

IG @jenniferstorey

Project: twice round: examining biography and life cycles with the great round


Sylvia Barnowski

Cochrane, AB - Canada


Project: Maps to Self

Connie Bennett

Fort Collins, Colorado, USA

[email protected]

Project: The Great Round Play

Lucia Bianconi

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

[email protected]


Project: The energy of the Orishas from the Sacred Umbanda

Michael Carpenter

Victoria, Canada

[email protected]

Project: 12 Steps, Jung, and the Great Round

Carla Costa e Silva

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

[email protected]


Project: The 13 Original Clan Mothers and the Great Round

Simmi Lammi

Helsinki, Finland

[email protected]


Project: Surfing ~ A mandala life journey

Dee MacGibbon


[email protected]

Project: The Glass Stupa Mandala Project

Jennifer "Jenny" Peterson

Project: Self-Compassion & Mandalas Workshop

Carole Simmons

London, England


Project: A journey of reconnection to self and nature through creating mandalas with sacred geometry


Caroline Pereira


[email protected]



Project: Mandalas and Career Counseling

Kathy Barclay

Brookhaven, GA

[email protected]

Project: Creating a mandala journal for personal growth and healing

Kathy Malone

Kansas City, MO

[email protected]


FB@Kathy’s mandalas

Project: Creating Mandalas for Presence, Gratitude and Transformation

Maria Radoje

London UK

[email protected]



Project: Listening to the Great Round

Michael Carpenter

Victoria, BC, Canada

[email protected]

Project: Tarot in the Round: Using Tarot and the Great Round to support my retirement journey.

Nadine Cadesky

Seattle, WA

[email protected]

Project: Drawing Down the Rabbit Hole and What Came Up

Olga Vasquez

Chicago, IL

[email protected]

Project: Tanama Circle Retreats

Pat Cail

Big Canoe, GA

[email protected]

Project: Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation with Tibetan Brass Bowls and Mandalas


Tracy Lowe​

[email protected]

Melody Owen

[email protected]


Kathryn Costa


[email protected]

Project: The Goddess Within the Great Round

MelindaJoy Pattison

Project: Mandala Workshop Condensed

Myrian Romero

Cristina Paula e Souza

Marcia Regina Rosa

Project: Developing a module of adult education: Mandala Training – A Creative Path Toward Essence

Paige Scheinberg

Memphis, TN

[email protected]




Project: A Mandala Journal for Creativity Development and Personal Explorations


Gisela Garcia

Caracas, Venezuela

[email protected]

Project: Mandalas and Fibromyalgia (also presented at the 2015 Conference of the American Art Therapy Association)

Rachelle Oppenhuizen

Holland, MI

[email protected]

Project: Community Building: Dynamics of Group Mandala Creations

John Spaulding

New Orleans, LA

[email protected]

Project: Hildegard Mandalas: An Experiment in Visio Divina

Antonia Van Dyken

Grand Rapids, MI

[email protected]

Project: An experiential exploration of the myth of Inanna, chakras, and the Archetypal Stages of the Great Round of Mandala


Susan Johnson

Decatur, GA

[email protected]

Project: Developed materials and themes for creating mandala journals.

Lynn Karegeannes

Asheville, NC

[email protected]

Project: Researched various threads of symbolism related to mandalas, and developed mandala collage techniques for a workshop setting.


Gail Blate

Columbus, NC

[email protected]


Project: Sewed fabric quilts in archetypal mandala designs.

Liz-Anne Jonassen

Bragg Creek, AB, Canada

[email protected]

Project: Crafted twelve small wooden mandalas, each depicting an incident in the story of the Celtic goddess Cerridwen, and its association to the Archetypal Stages of the Great Round.

Marion Rhyne

Concord, NC

[email protected]

Project: Handcrafted twelve felt mandalas as she explored the qualities of the Archetypal Stages of the Great Round.


Debra Alvis

Bogart, GA (Athens area)

[email protected]

Project: Created workshops integrating yoga and mandalas.

Kathryn Bell

Bloomington, IN

[email protected]


Project: Created a curriculum for a series of mandala groups.

Starr Regan DiCiurcio

The Mandala Studio

Queensbury, New York

[email protected]

Project: Created a personal mandala journal exploring her Irish heritage during a trip to Ireland.

Dr.ssa Annalisa Ippolito

Bologna, Italy

+39 06.916.504.236

[email protected]


Project: Developed a glossary of terms related to mandalas for her mandala website.

Shelley Szoka

Madison, AL

[email protected]

Project: Created a series of greeting cards with mandala designs on front for coloring.


Lacy Camp

Athens, GA

[email protected]

[email protected]

Project: Explored the divine feminine through creation of a series of mandalas.

Wanda Gail Campbell

Huntsville, AL

[email protected]

Project: Facilitated several spirituality workshops using mandalas.

April Forsbrey

Greensboro, NC

[email protected]

Project: Compared the Archetypal Stages of the Great Round with concepts of deep ecology

Barbara Larsen

Tucker, GA

[email protected]

Project: Created a series of twelve circular metalwork brooches based on the mandala forms of the Archetypal Stages of the Great Round.

Vera Shenk

Goshen, IN

[email protected]

Project: Exploring the usefulness of mandalas for the understanding of a trauma complex.


Gail Bacher

Memphis, TN

[email protected]

Project: Report on a time limited mandala group with adults.

Barb Davis

[email protected]

Glenn Allen, VA

Project: Workshop experience based on Native American Medicine Wheel

Mary Donald

[email protected]

Devon, PA

Project: Compared mandalas created daily for several months with concurrent phases of the moon.

Lainey Grace

Richardson, TX

[email protected]

Project: Mandala as indicator of results of bodywork intervention based on Chinese energy paradigm

Kay Montgomery

Roanoke, VA

[email protected]

Project: Assessing change: a comparison of mandalas and models of change.